A Laboratory for Symbols. Reflections on Today's Europe[i] 8 aastat ago Gregor Taul Architecture, Article, Estonian art 17/2 0 ••• Ah, all is symbols and analogies! The wind on the move, the night that will freeze, Are something other than night and a wind – Shadows o...
Dismantling the Binary Pillars of Knowledge 8 aastat ago Gregor Taul Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 17/1 1 ••• Why should a university department of spatial design be an object of study in an art magazine? We know of cases where fine arts faculties or...
History of Estonian Art 6/II 8 aastat ago admin Books, Estonian Art 16/1 11 ••• Editor Krista Kodres Texts by Anu Allas, Sirje Helme, Jaak Kangilaski, Anu Kannike, Juta Kivimäe, Krista Kodres, Andres Kurg, Peeter Linnap...
Art life outside the capital city 10 aastat ago Gregor Taul Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• Viljandi, a town of 18 000 inhabitants in southern Estonia, and other historically significant county centres have been known amongst archit...