Free Some Space for Weak Monuments 7 aastat ago Gregor Taul Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 18/1 2 ••• 1 Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, the head curators of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, have t...
Tallinn Architecture Biennial 8 aastat ago Eve Arpo Architecture, Article, Estonian art 17/2 2 ••• “The convergence of biotechnology and IT, applied to landscape and urban design, is one of the more promising future developments for our ci...
Tallinn Architecture Biennale: Test Site for Physical Digitality 8 aastat ago Triin Männik Architecture, Estonian art 17/2, Interview 2 ••• Interview with Gilles Retsin In February, Belgian architect Gilles Retsin won the international TAB Installation Programme open call to b...
A Laboratory for Symbols. Reflections on Today's Europe[i] 8 aastat ago Gregor Taul Architecture, Article, Estonian art 17/2 0 ••• Ah, all is symbols and analogies! The wind on the move, the night that will freeze, Are something other than night and a wind – Shadows o...
Dismantling the Binary Pillars of Knowledge 8 aastat ago Gregor Taul Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 17/1 1 ••• Why should a university department of spatial design be an object of study in an art magazine? We know of cases where fine arts faculties or...
The Avant-Garde of New Estonian Architecture 8 aastat ago Carl-Dag Lige Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 17/1 0 ••• Innovation and the Avant-Garde “Avant-garde” as a concept refers to the vanguard or fore-guard and was initially a French military term....
The Flâneur – Framing an Urban Space 8 aastat ago Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla Architecture, Estonian Art 17/1, Interview 1 ••• Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla talks with Arne Maasik On the windowsill of a residential building in New York City near the World Trade Center’s tw...
Aesthetics of Amalgamation 8 aastat ago Francisco Martínez Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 16/1, Review 4 ••• The trigger of this article is Ingrid Ruudi’s exhibition on the architectural projects unrealised in Estonia because they were planned durin...
The Baltic Exchange 8 aastat ago Carl-Dag Lige Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 16/1 9 ••• FACE-TO-FACE: The Story of the Baltic Exchange (exhibition) 6 May – 5 June 2016, Museum of Estonian Architecture (Tallinn) Exhibition conc...
The Story of Memory Field 8 aastat ago Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 16/1, Interview 6 ••• The Estonian National Museum is a site-specific project, which uses an existing military runway from the Soviet past. What makes this locati...