The miraculous Old Narva 11 aastat ago Darja Nikitina Architecture, Estonian Art 13/2, Interview 1 ••• Darja Nikitina (DN): Hello, Fyodor, could you tell me where you were born? Have you always lived in Narva? Fyodor Shantsev (FS): My mothe...
Recycling ideas, or to think is not to work within a set of given conditions 11 aastat ago Andreas Wagner Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 13/2, Review 0 ••• During September 2013, the second Tallinn Architecture Biennale took place in different venues around town, curated by Aet Ader, Kadri Kleme...
Between the cult of speed and scenery 12 aastat ago Katrin Koov Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• New roads produce anonymity and deprive landscape of its character. The roads are cut straight through forests and marshlands, without any s...
Great Expectations 12 aastat ago Eero Epner Architecture, Interview 0 ••• EE: Minister Jaak Aaviksoo has said that the ministry has not dealt with any other university in recent years as much as with the Estonian A...
An Education - Veronika Valk 12 aastat ago Veronika Valk Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• I don’t think anyone has an inkling of what architecture really entails before studying it, practising for real and starting architectural w...
When EU grants are distributed the muses are silent 12 aastat ago Piret Lindpere Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• Supported by EU grants, the Estonian state has kept building, feverishly and with pleasure. It has built so much that suspicions occasionall...
Fear of architecture 12 aastat ago Karli Luik Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• Lately, I have often felt that, as an architect I would perhaps be better off living in a country not quite as liberal as Estonia. More auth...
The meaning of crossroads in Estonian folk belief 12 aastat ago Ülo Valk Architecture, Art, Article, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• According to Oskar Loorits (1900–1961), the classic of research into folk belief, Estonians have always considered roads to be dangerous. Wh...
Kalarand, the sea and the public interest 13 aastat ago Liina Siib Architecture, Estonian Art 11/2, Interview 0 ••• Liina Siib (LS): You and I first came to Kalarand (a coastal area in Tallinn, literally ‘fishing beach’, close to the old town) in 2005, dur...
LIFT11 - lessonsin public space 13 aastat ago Epp Lankots Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 11/2, Review 0 ••• Tallinn is a town like any other: a diverse social and spatial association which allows material and space for different cultural practices,...