Conservatism appeals to people’s emotions 13 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Estonian Art 11/2, Interview 0 ••• Eero Epner (EE): In following the political situation in Hungary, I cannot resist the temptation to ask a simple question: What the hell is ...
Interview with Raul Keller 14 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Estonian Art 11/1, Interview 0 ••• Eero Epner (EE): Raul Keller, you have been active in the Estonian music scene for years and it seems that one topic that keeps crop...
Contemporary art encompasses all the rest 14 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Estonian Art 11/1, Interview 0 ••• Eero Epner (EE): In your essay Selected Nodes in a Network of Thoughts on Curating you define the task of the curator not just “choose rando...
Post-colonialism and Estonia 14 aastat ago admin Art, Estonian Art 11/1, Interview 0 ••• A few years ago, you wrote an influential article entitled Post-colonialism and Estonia. In that article, you point out several keywords rel...
Dealing with Yourself Through Others 14 aastat ago admin Art, Estonian Art 11/1, Interview 0 ••• I recently saw Alexei Yurchak’s book on your table, Everything was forever, until it was no more: The last Soviet generation... The conce...
10 Questions to Jaan Toomik 26 aastat ago Leonhard Lapin Art, Interview 0 ••• When and how did you first come to art? I remember once drawing an excavator on the pavement when I was seven. An elderly lady came ...
10 Questions to Leonhard Lapin 27 aastat ago Hanno Soans Art, Interview 0 ••• 1 Please briefly introduce your different roles in Estonian cultural life. I am a professor, and hold the Chair of Composition at th...
SIIM-TANEL ANNUS INTERVIEW 27 aastat ago Mare Tralla Art, Estonian Art 97/2, Interview 0 ••• Siim-Tanel Annus answers 10 questions by Mare Tralla Would you please introduce yourself to an alien I'm observing phenomena and activit...
Writer Maimu BERG interviews Mare TRALLA 28 aastat ago Art, Estonian Art 97/1, Interview 0 ••• Do you make your art in order to be noticed, become famous and provoke people? Or because you simply can't help doing it? Or even out of a s...