Authentic deceleration – smart textiles at an exhibition 12 aastat ago Thomas hollstein Art, Design, Estonian Art 13/1, Review, Review 2 ••• 2 September 2012 – I sit in my car and drive through the forest of Lahemaa Rahvuspark (National Park). A small road, leading through a more ...
The seer meets the maker 12 aastat ago Giuseppe Provenzano & Arne Maasik Art, Estonian Art 13/1, Interview 0 ••• AM: You’ve begun to make a name for yourself in Estonia with new ideas you’ve shared here through articles, interviews and your work. Instea...
Comments on The Art of Collecting 12 aastat ago Katarina Meister, Lylian Meister, Tiina Sarapu, Marit Ilison, Kaido Ole, Krista Leesi, Jaanus Samma Art, Estonian Art 13/1, Review 0 ••• Katariina Meister and Lylian Meister (exhibition participants): A) The exhibition was inspiring and had an air of liberal art; the bo...
Encyclopaedia of Erki Kasemets 12 aastat ago Andreas Trossek Art, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 1 ••• Erki Kasemets is an encyclopaedic artist. Like with Marcel Duchamp, Robert Rauschenberg and the members of Fluxus before him, it is difficul...
Neeme Külm in abstract autarchic ambience 12 aastat ago Johannes Saar Art, Estonian Art 13/1, Review 0 ••• The installation artist Neem Külm was awarded the Cultural Endowment annual art prize this year for his artistic achievements in 2012. This ...
Evident in advance, or lost (and gained) in translation(s)? 12 aastat ago Daniele Monticelli Art, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• This piece of writing is inspired by Denés Farkas’ exhibition Evident in advance and, at the same time, exploits it in order to discuss a mo...
The meaning of crossroads in Estonian folk belief 12 aastat ago Ülo Valk Architecture, Art, Article, Article, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• According to Oskar Loorits (1900–1961), the classic of research into folk belief, Estonians have always considered roads to be dangerous. Wh...
Thoughts on a road about roads 12 aastat ago Margit Mutso Art, Article, Article, Design, Estonian Art 13/1 0 ••• Dense snow is beating against the car window, the wind is howling and pushing the car towards the edge, and there are icy bumps on the motor...
Occupy Wall Street 12 aastat ago Tarmo Jüristo Art, Article, Estonian Art 11/2, Review 0 ••• Last year marked two decades of the restoration of Estonian independence, and many public speeches, and the media in general, frequently use...
APT*: Misreading gives the correct answer 13 aastat ago Anneli Porri Art, Estonian Art 11/2, Review 0 ••• You probably know the duck-rabbit picture through which Ernst Gombrich described the necessary ambivalence of art and how the viewer’s perce...