Cyber But Real 8 aastat ago Sofia Hallik Article, Design, Estonian Art 17/1 11 ••• “This virtual world, that has become real, celebrates the end of ideology, history and ultimately of humanity”(1) AES+F WOA (wor...
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who’s the Coolest of them All? 8 aastat ago Kaarin Kivirähk Article, Design, Estonian Art 17/1 7 ••• If post-internet were a fairy tale character, she wouldn’t be the prettiest princess on Earth, loved by everyone. Nope, post-internet would ...
Nostalgia in Design 8 aastat ago Triin Jerlei Article, Design, Estonian Art 16/1 7 ••• Since 2010, one of the most popular series on Estonian television has been ENSV(Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic), a comedy set in the lat...
Lugemik: Books that Speak Volumes about Themselves 8 aastat ago Ott Kagovere Art, Article, Article, Design, Estonian Art 16/1 5 ••• What does it mean to publish a book? This question is both the most childish and the most serious of questions. The childish part is asking ...
In Search of Meaning 8 aastat ago Ott Kagovere Article, Design, Estonian Art 16/1 10 ••• Contemporary graphic design moves in mysterious ways. The paradoxical holy trinity of graphic design consists of design, art and business. H...
An Estonian designer without black bread? 10 aastat ago Kaarin Kivirähk Article, Design, Estonian Art 14/2 4 ••• Looking around, it seems that there are Estonians in every harbour of the world. Or at least in every big fashion house. Unlike many other c...
Product designers at the furniture, interior decoration and design fair Habitare 11 aastat ago Monika Järg Article, Design, Estonian Art 14/1 0 ••• Supported by the Estonian Design Centre and Enterprise Estonia, six small product design enterprises are participating in this year’s Habita...
An Education - Raul Kalvo 11 aastat ago Raul Kalvo Architecture, Design, Estonian Art 14/1, Interview, Interview 0 ••• Please say a word about your MA work, the Aerogramm project, shown in 2011 at the Hobusepea Gallery in Tallinn. The curator, Maarin Mürk, ...
Gram – a roomful of jewellery artists and a travelling greenhouse 11 aastat ago Eilve Manglus Article, Design, Estonian Art 14/1 1 ••• The Gram jewellery studio is comprised of ten young jewellery artists who all graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts: Linda al-Assi, Me...
The home lover, the clubber and the ghost 11 aastat ago Mathieu Goulmant Article, Design, Estonian Art 14/1, Review 0 ••• “My main goal is to create experiences, haunting and memorable feelings; to have and to keep – be it a mind-blowing space installation or ...