Tallinn Photomonth ‘15 10 aastat ago admin Art, Estonian Art 15/1, News 0 ••• Tallinn Photomonth is an artist led biennial of contemporary art and visual culture in Tallinn and Tartu, held for the third time this autum...
An Education: Anu Vahtra 10 aastat ago Anu Vahtra Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• I’m frightened. I’m frightened of what I don’t know. I want to escape this fear. So I must try to know everything. Knowledge is power. Someo...
Taming fire in Kohila 10 aastat ago David Jones Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1, Review 0 ••• Fire provides us with warmth and security and the power to change matter, but it also has destructive potential. These aspects of technology...
The small machine and friends* 10 aastat ago admin Art, Estonian Art 15/1, Interview 0 ••• Raul Keller (RK): You have been active in the art field for a long time, doing different things: can you keep them separate or are they all ...
The ARTIST: Kaarel Kurismaa 10 aastat ago admin Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• The artist sauntered slowly along the road. A lush cornfield was thriving on one side of the road, and wide-crowned beeches towered on the o...
Paradoxes of blending in performing arts 10 aastat ago Laur Kaunissaare Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• When I see international festival curators at work – watching performances, taking notes, talking to colleagues or reflecting by themselves ...
The art collection of Matti Milius 10 aastat ago Raivo Kelomees Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• Matti Milius died in June 2015, leaving behind, besides his art collection, vivid memories. There is no need to imagine him bigger or more f...
Everybody talks about weather, music and politics! 10 aastat ago Kerttu Männiste Art, Estonian Art 15/1, Interview, Review 0 ••• Between 18 and 28 June 2015 Prague became the Mecca of theatre and performance art professionals, students and the general public, with the ...
Art life outside the capital city 10 aastat ago Gregor Taul Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• Viljandi, a town of 18 000 inhabitants in southern Estonia, and other historically significant county centres have been known amongst archit...
Power and pictures 10 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• Spring 2015 in Estonia was like it always is: the weather never quite warmed up and the right-wingers won the elections. Less than...