Power and pictures 10 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• Spring 2015 in Estonia was like it always is: the weather never quite warmed up and the right-wingers won the elections. Less than...
Picture in a museum. Herbert Lukk 11 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Article, Estonian Art 14/1, Review 0 ••• In March 1919, a newspaper published a few columns mixed in with adverts. “It is not right and proper that we send off the first few vital i...
Today’s scenography 11 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Article, Estonian Art 13/2 0 ••• Twentieth century theatre has seen various avant-garde trends, which have tried to rid it of the reputation of theatre being a ‘bourgeois fi...
Laura Pählapuu, why scenography? 11 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Estonian Art 13/2, Interview 0 ••• Laura Pählapuu (LP): I remember how as a child I was fascinated with the visual, formal side of things: colourful pictures in books, printed...
An aristocrat’s desires are always pretty 12 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Article, Estonian Art 13/1, Review 0 ••• After Raoul Kurvitz’s exhibition opened, the grey cardinal on the political landscape in the decisive early 1990s posted on his Facebook wal...
Great Expectations 12 aastat ago Eero Epner Architecture, Interview 0 ••• EE: Minister Jaak Aaviksoo has said that the ministry has not dealt with any other university in recent years as much as with the Estonian A...
Conservatism appeals to people’s emotions 13 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Estonian Art 11/2, Interview 0 ••• Eero Epner (EE): In following the political situation in Hungary, I cannot resist the temptation to ask a simple question: What the hell is ...
Contemporary art encompasses all the rest 14 aastat ago Eero Epner Art, Estonian Art 11/1, Interview 0 ••• Eero Epner (EE): In your essay Selected Nodes in a Network of Thoughts on Curating you define the task of the curator not just “choose rando...
Interview with Karli Luik from SALTO 14 aastat ago Eero Epner Architecture, Estonian Art 11/1, Interview 0 ••• Eero Epner (EE): You set up your architectural office in 2004 when various other new companies had already started: Kosmos and Kavakava in 2...